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Well! Hi there! My name is Ricardo and welcome to my website. This website is build like a portfolio, the information is about stuff I made or I really like to do. For instance, programming is something that can keep me busy for days without getting bored, so most of the things will be about programming haha. 

At the age of 12 I wanted to work with my hands (metal working). Unfortunately there was no way for me to go to a HAVO school that could give this expertise, so I chose to go to a VMBO school. Here I studied metal working for 4 years, got 2 welding certificates and discovered programming (my now long time hobby). My next school was a MBO school where I studied Mechatronics. Here I learned a tiny bit of programming, 3D CAD workings, a lot of metal working and how to work in groups.

After that I went to The Hague University of Applied Science to study Mechatronics but unfortunately the maths there went to fast for me. But to still get that HBO stamp I switched to Computer Science (Technische Informatica in dutch) at the same school. This changed my way of thinking and studied very hard to make sure I made it this time. The TI study was finished in 4 years and graduated with an 8 for my scription.

At the moment I'm working at 4More Technology, a small company in Moerkapelle in the Netherlands. Here I work as a Computer Vision expert and C# desktop application programmer.

My LinkedIn profile can be found here.

Me, myself and I programming @ Madern BV


Programming is something I really really like to do. With programming you can convert tasks that will help improve the efficiency of the work done by humans. Sometimes such a task is impossible to complete for humans within a reasonable time, for example: sorting one million records in a Database. For a human being this would take weeks, if not months or years. But for a machine it's just a simple instruction that would be done within the hour and it is done with just a few lines of code.



Top 5 programming languages

The first time I entered the world of programming was when I was around 12 years old. The game Warrock (a fps shooter) was so badly protected that everyone was making hacks for it. I thought: "I want that too!" Playing around with CheatEngine (memory-scanning-and-altering software) my eyes really opened up for all the possibilities. To make the hack portable I started with the favourite programming language of my dad. Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. The language was really easy to understand and half way through some tutorials I was completely addicted. After the hack I made an Autoclicker to make single-action weapons in games full-auto and made a Macro tool to bind keypresses to a string of text to send things in games like: "Cover me, reloading!". Now, almost 13 years later I learned a lot of different programming languages and techniques to write better programs.




Corsair K70 RGB

One example is a program I wrote to control the lighting of my Corsair K70RGB keyboard. This keyboard is capable of showing 16 million colors per individual key but the software was very limited at the time. So with some reverse-engineering of the communication protocol that the software uses it was posible to write a program to create my own effects. Below are some of the effects I made:

K70RGB Raindrops

Rain drops (shifts and fades to differend colors)

K70RGB Rainbow Wave

Rainbow wave (just hectic and all over the place)

K70RGB FlappyBird

 Playable Flappybird (because why not?)



Minecraft Zeeslag Plugin (Seabattle)

A few years ago (when I was 19 years old) I wrote a server plugin that allows players to play BattleShips against eachother. The plugin was very popular and had over 10k downloads and weekly over 500 users playing a game atleast once. The video below is a demonstration of how this plugin works and how Birdfire22 defeated me in my own game haha.


This website

Have you noticed the cube at the top left of the screen? You can click it and hover your mouse over the cube to see a rainbow trail. This is made with CSS and javascript. It was my goal to make something that not many sites have and show some of my skills to other people. Most websites that have overly complicated designs (like custom scrolling animations and such) are more of a hassle than a feature, so this is a nice addition I think.

On the bottom of the page is a matrix grid of characters located that, when loaded for long enough, show a text in the middle. It uses almost the same code as the cube but with an extra image in the center.


Serial Console for Arduino
Improved Serial Console
Programmable Calculator
Improved Programmable calculator
Final Programmable Calculator
K70 RGB Keyboard software
Auto Clicker
Mouse Recorder
DayZ - Arma II Hack
ZeeSlag (BattleShips)


Under construction


In my sparetime when I'm not programming (imagine that lol, not programming) I work on improving my PC or automating things around the house. 


All the devices I use are based on Arduino compatible devices or the Raspberry PI 3B. One particular project a microcontroller is used for is to turn my pc on from a distance when I'm not at home.

Another project is a hard case developer kit that has a internal battery management system, an Arduino Mega 2560, 230V relay and a breadboard. This case was used during my time at school and has proven to be very handy over the years.

PC Building

Another hobby of mine is building computers. Building them yourself mostly has the advantage to get the same performance for less money. The cheaper price, together with my passion for computer hardware, has driven me to build computers for friends and myself.


CPUIntel i9-9900K
CoolerCorsair H80iV2
Main Storage1TB Samsung 970 Evo Plus NVME SDD
Game Storage2x 512GB Samsung 860 evo SSD
VideocardMSI GTX 980Ti Gaming 6G (from my old pc)
PowerSupplyCorsair SF750
CasePhantex Evolv Shift
Ram2x16GB G-Skill Trident-Z 3200Mhz CL14-14-14-34
MotherboardASROCK Z390 Phantom Gaming-ITX/ac


Arduino hardcase
Pokemon Go - Auto Catcher
What a mess haha
Much much better
Battery Pack
Battery Monitor for battery pack
Power and Gas Consumption
Wemos D1 Mini Pro
Remote PC power controller
Custom Headphone Jack


When it comes to designing stuff I really struggle with starting, but when I got the initial idea it will (most of the time) come out great. The image you see above is my Samsung Gear S3 smartwatch with a watchface that I designed in Adobe Illustrator. The watchface itself is constructed with a simple program called Gear Watch Designer.

The design and programming on this website, including all the effects, images and easter-eggs are made by me. To ensure the speed and stability of this page the whole script is written in Notepad++. No unnecessary elements that load slow or old browser support, just an informative page about my work. The reason I dropped old browser support is to help people look in the right direction: the future and power of HTML5 and CSS3!

Custom Gear S3 watchface
Icon for HHS Student Info App
Samsung Gear S3 with custom designed watchface.
ZeeSlag (BattleShips)
HHS Student Info About page


Programming using Android Studio was easier to start at than initially thought. After a presentation and demo from one of the students from my study association I was ready to start programming.

The school I'm currently at (HHS Delft) did not (at the time) have a dedicated app to get your scedule, grades or other information quickly. This really bothered me and asked them if there was a possibility for such a app to be made for the students. After some negative replies I decided to make my own. Now, after 2 years, the app is downloaded over 4000 times and used by over 2000 unique students every month. The app can be found on Google Play.

Here are a few features of this app:

  • Get all your grades (with credits and codes).
    • Sort your grades by value, date/time or study.
  • Show time tables of the classes you are following.
    • Merge tables together and get a nice representation to maintain overview.
    • Add notes so you won't go to classes which are canceled or moved by a teacher.
    • See if a class is canceled by the system.
    • The whole semester is visible at once for planning purposes
  • Check the balance on your Campus Card and last 3 transactions (internal HHS solution to pay for consuptions and printing).
  • Find empty rooms to sit in. (A script that checks all the rooms in a building to see if they will be available from now until the end of the day).
  • Check vacation dates, semester starting dates, websites and contact information from all the HHS locations.
HHS Student Info - Drawer
HHS Student Info - Time Tables
HHS Student Info - Grades
HHS Student Info - Campuscard
HHS Student Info - Empty Rooms
HHS Student Info - Usefull Information
Added a fourth Android Phone
Initial design HHS Student Info
Android Wear


The images below are made using my Samsung Galaxy Note 20 Ultra and my Galaxy S9+. I like making closeup photo's of flowers because they have so much detail that you need to stare for a few seconds to see everything.

I also make a lot of videos for live backgrounds on my phone. Live backgrounds are repeatable 15 second long video's that have the aspect ratio of your phone screen to get a fullscreen video as a background.

Those video's are on youtube as an example. If you want to download them you can use this link to my stackstorage from TransIP. On that linkt to my storage you can find the licence that comes with the content I provide here.


Disney Castle in Disneyland Paris
Lightning lens reflection